To say that yesterday was a whirlwind would be an understatement. We have been working toward this acquisition for quite some time, and to see it come together as it did yesterday here at the Leon headquarters was beautiful. This is a company we love, admire, and with which we share values and to come together with them in this way is an honor.
We will continue making speakers in Maine and Leon will ensure that Terra products find more fans and customers. This is an extraordinary win for everybody. We and Leon will continue to be in touch about what this move means, but in the interim we wanted to share the announcement they posted on Facebook live. The announcement begins at around 05:20:
As well as a video we co-produced about why we believe this move just makes sense for all parties.
And here is the press the merger picked up by way of CE Pro.
More soon, but thank you so much for all of your support. We appreciate it, and look forward to keeping you posted as things progress.