Things to do, see, eat and drink in Denver while at CEDIA14

We are happy to be in Denver for CEDIA14, and we hope to see you at our booth. If you are looking for something fun or interesting to do while you are here, we hope this list can help to point you into the right direction. Enjoy!

IMAGE CREDIT: “A double rainbow arches over Denver, Colorado in this picture captured by amateur photographer Greg Thow, 47.” (By way of The Telegraph.)


Non-Related, though interesting or potentially entertaining events to consider:

Food and drink advice:

Also of interest:

You should also probably know that Tim Allen, Karl Rove, and Dog the Bounty Hunter are from Denver, so make of that what you will.

And of course, we hope you will visit us at CEDIA Expo booth #362. Enjoy yourselves in Denver!

Ps. If you are not already, please do check us out on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter!