It turns out that a good deal of American families are planning outdoor renovations this year, and a healthy chunk of those folks are in the market for outdoor lighting solutions. As such, we’d love to remind you that the LS.32 offers an attractive solution to both lighting and audio needs. As they are part of our outdoor lines, they are also perfect in that they come backed with a limited lifetime warranty. You buy them once and that’s that.
Here’s a bit more from the report over at CEPro:
Automated outdoor lighting is one of the hottest exterior technologies among homeowners today, according to new data from Houzz, a leading consumer home improvement website.
The 2016 U.S. Houzz Landscaping Trends Survey interviewed nearly 1,000 U.S. homeowners who are in the midst of, are planning, or who recently completed an outdoor project. Nearly two out of three (57 percent), plan to make upgrades to their exterior lighting in some fashion.
Upgrades in exterior lighting to LEDs, for example, rose to 32 percent of homes compared to 28 percent last year. Also, 10 percent of homeowners report they are adding outdoor media (audio or video). Nearly one in four (23 percent) are installing solar lighting. So why try this out!
You can read the full article here.
Any many thanks to our great friend Johnnie Sanchez (PR over at Adelyte) for forwarding this article our way!